



Application in Dentistry

Role of Cox-2/PGE2 Mediated inflammation in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

"Oral cancer include malignancy of the oral cavity and oropharynx, 90% of which are squamous cell carcinoma.  Oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCCP) is a very aggressive neoplasm and is often diagnosed late in the disease.  Extensive research has demonstrated a relationship between chronic inflammation and a variety of cancer types, including OSCC."

"A significant amount of research indicates that the cyclooxygenase/prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) pathway of inflammation contributes to the development and progression of a variety of cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cacity and oropharynx (OSCC). Although there have been promising results from studies examining the utility of anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of toxicities, this strategy has been met with only variable success and may make them inappropriate for some OSCC patients.  Improved inflammation-targeting therapies require continued study of the mechanisms linking inflammation and progression of OSCC.  In this review, a synopsis of OSCC biology will be provided, and recent insights into inflammation related mechanisms of OSCC pathobiology will be discussed  The roles of prostaglandin E2 and cluster of differentiation factor 147 (CD147) will be presented, and evidence for their interactions in OSCC will be explored.  Through continued investigation into the protumourigenic pathways of OSCC, more treatment modalities targeting inflammation-related pathways can be designed with the hope of slowing tumour progression and improving patient prognosis in patients with this aggressive form of cancer."

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Inflammatory and immune pathways in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease

"There are two common diseases affecting the periodotium.  The first is gingivitis, which is defined as inflammation of the gingiva in which the connective tissue attachment to the tooth remains at its original level.  The disease is limited to the soft-tissue compartment of the gingival epithelium and connective tissue.  The second is periodontitis, which is an inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth with progressive attachment loss and bone destruction.  Both diseases and their symptoms are very common in populations worldwide.  In the USA, adolescents have gingivitis and signs of gingival bleeding, whereas 54% of the adult population in the USA exhibits gingival bleeding.  Thirty-seven per cent of the adult population in the USA suffers from severe periodontitis.  In both cases, the disease is associated with the accumulation of bacteria at the dento-gingival margin, while the causal relationship of specific organisms is not fully clear.  The host responds to microbial challenge by generating an inflammatory cell infiltrate in the tissue sub adjacent to the periodontal pocket."

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA) and Cancer: Current Insights

"The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis.  Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CHI) causes atherosclerosis in the occurrence of a pre-existing hyperlipidemia.  A new pathway, in animal models has been demonstrated that CIH significantly increased atherosclerotic lesion sizes, mRNA levels of Cox-1 and thromboxane synthase (TXBS).  Lesion size is correlated to COX-1 and TXBS mRNA levels.  COX-1 inhibition reduced lesion progression in intermittent hypoxia mice.  This study demonstrated for the first time, that the activation of the COX pathway exposed to CIH is associated with increased atherosclerotic lesions in mice, highlighting early atherosclerosis markers in OSA patients."

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Cyclooxygenase Pathway Activation in Sleep Apnea Syndrome

"Patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) exhibit an early vascular remodelling and alterations of acid arachidonic pathway 2.  Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) is a cycloxygenase (COX)-derived metabolite of AA involved in vascular remodelling."

"Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the activation of some components of the cyclooxygenase pathway.  OSA is associated with activation of the thromboxane A(TXA2)-pathway, in which obesity seems to be a major confounding factor." 

"Urinary excretion of 11-dTXB2 did not differ between OSA patients free of cardiovascular complications and healthy volunteers but increased in OSA patients with cormobidities compared to OSA patients without 694.0 (425.9-1235.6) versus 616.0 (354.3-838.2) pg/mg creatinine respectively; p=0.007). Finally, urinary 11-dTXB2 was increased by 30% in OSA Patients with cartoid hypertrophy (IMT>compared to OSA patients without carotid hypertrophy (783.0 (582.8-938.0) versus 592.9 (278.9-782.5) pg/mg creatinine, respect p=0.02)."

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Flavonoids-clinical effects and applications in dentistry: a review

"Flavonoids include a huge group of naturally occurring organic compounds.  It is found in a large variety of plants including fruits, seeds, grains, tea vegetables, nuts and wine.  Many studies have shown that there is a strong association between flavonoid intake and the long-term effects on mortality.  It is widely used in dentistry and it has many clinical effects.  This article summarizes the effects of flavonoids to humankind and its clinical applications in dentistry."

"It is recognized that arachidonic acid, which is released during the inflammatory conditions, is metabolized by platelets to form endoperoxides, prostaglandin, and thromboxane A2 which leads primarily to platelet activation and aggregation."

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